Get Involved

Much of the work of GEDA is accomplished by the Committees. There are currently 10 standing committees within GEDA. Each year at the GEDA Planning Retreat, the incoming Chairs of these Committees meet with the GEDA elected leadership to form an Action Plan for the year.

Join a Committee Today!

This is the best and easiest way to get involved with GEDA! If there is an area of interest (or two) below, login to your Member Compass, click Profile and then scroll down to the Committees section to join any of the below groups. Please note you must have a current GEDA membership to access this area.

Many of GEDA's Officers and Directors will tell you that they first started serving GEDA through Committee work. What you will find is, when you give to an Association, you get more back in return.

Contact our Committee Chairs



Location Strategies and Readiness Virginia Sengewald, Georgia Department of Economic Development
Development Authority Executives Grant Buckley, Cordele Crisp County Industrial Development Council
Marketing and Communications Liz O'Connor, Evans General Contractors

Workforce Professionals 

Breezy Straton, Elevate Douglas
Membership Engagement Eric McDonald, Haralson County Chamber of Commerce
Nominating Benjy Thompson, Development Authority of Bulloch County
Public Policy Jon Pannell, Gray Pannell & Woodward LLP
Leadership Development David Cleveland, Jackson EMC


Cecilia Arango, Thomas & Hutton

Young Professionals

Dylan Horne, Metro Atlanta Chamber