Development Authority Executives Committee

At a glance:

  • Provides networking & professional development help for those who have responsibility for local development authorities.
  • Provides on authority member and attorney training needs.
  • Coordinates the development and implementation of the GEDA-UGA partnership.
  • Provide credit seminars for attorneys representing local development authorities.
  • Develop resource manual for development authority execs.

Established in 1997, the focus of the Development Authority Executives Committee is providing special networking and professional development needs for those who have responsibility for local development authorities. In addition, this committee focuses on authority member and attorney training needs. All GEDA members who are Development Authority Executives, or who otherwise provide professional staffing for development authorities, are encouraged to participate actively in this committee. Based on the input of these professional practitioners, the Development Authority Execs committee is coordinating the development and implementation of a GEDA-UGA partnership. This partnership will provide specific training for local development authority board members at various locations several times each year. This committee also works with the Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) to provide credit seminars specifically for attorneys representing local development authorities.

In 2001, GEDA accepted an invitation by UGA's Office of Economic Development Assistance to become a co-sponsor of a new program called the "Development Authority Executives Leadership & Management Institute". GEDA has also recently partnered with the Georgia Cities Foundation, UGA and ICLE to sponsor a downtown development law seminar. This committee has also sponsored workshops at the GEDA Spring Workshop and the GEDA Annual Conference, and is developing a resource manual for development authority execs.

For more information, contact Committee Chair:
Grant Buckley  Cordele Crisp County Industrial Development Council     229-273-9570

2024 Action Plan
  1. Continue initiatives from 2021 Action Plan – Expand the Development Authority Executives Summit to twice per year.
  2. Refine the DA Exec list to ensure better reach and inclusion. This will include the primary DA contacts and second in charge.
  3. Catalog all information used and shared in the DA Executive Summits to have a reference point for refining content for future sessions and building best practices.
  4. Coordinate efforts with related committees. This is especially true for as it relates to the efforts of the Public Policy Committee and monitoring legislation that directly impacts development authorities.

View the Development Authority Executives Committee Roster