Leadership Development
formerly Special Services Awards
For more information, contact Committee Chair:
David Cleveland | Jackson EMC | dcleveland@jacksonemc.com | (706) 367-6621 |
2024 Action Plan
Scope: This committee will provide the support for the Deal of the Year (small, mid-size, large & regional) and the Volunteer of the Year. These awards shall be presented at the November GEDA Luncheon
1. Simplify Process
a. Create focus group of industry professionals to provide feedback.
b. Update forms & research form types that simplify process for nominee and judges
c. Consider definitions/eligibility around non-traditional projects
d. Speak to previous judges & communities to evaluate process
e. Identify potential judges (site selection consultants, higher education, etc.)
f. Have nomination forms prepared for distribution by May
g. Nominations open June 1 – July 31
h. Complete judging procedures and provide recipient names for award acquisition (Deadline?)
2. Increase Visibility & Prestige
a. Invite local media
b. Consider having a high-profile individual present the awards
c. Brainstorm appropriate individuals with focus group
d. Host Awards Luncheon, November
e. Discuss hosting press conference in communities for awards